Privacy & Cookie Policy

This website has been provided by CRNCY Ltd. as a general public information. The details given are taking into account present European legislation and standards.


If not otherwise specifically stated on this website, all rights reserved CRNCY Ltd. Names of companies and products identified on the website may be the trademarks of their owners respectively, of which CRNCY Ltd. does not claim any rights.


CRNCY Ltd. reserves the right to amend and supplement the website at any time and without prior notice.


The information of the website is given in good faith but without warranty. All liability for damages of whatever nature that might arise from the use or existence of the website and its information is explicitly excluded to the extent permitted by applicable law.

Information on the use of cookies

Cookies are small text files that contain technical information to facilitate the use of a website. When you visit the site these cookies are added onto your browser. We use two types of cookies:

Temporary cookies

Cookies that keeps track of visitor during the time the visit lasts, e.g. to publish pages in the correct language. These cookies’ function cease when the surf's up, which means that nothing is stored. In the browser’s list of cookies set out the normal as JSESSIONID.

Cookies that are stored on your computer

This type of cookie is used for statistical tracking and contains information that makes it possible to identify returning visitors, either through the visitor’s IP address, or by a unique number. It also makes it possible to evaluate visitors’ activities on the site, in order to improve navigation and content. CRNCY Ltd. does not store personally identifiable information about the visitor. However, because we use Google Analytics and other similar services for statistical purposes, data is forwarded to these companies’ servers in order to compile statistical data on pages visited, language, country, search terms, operating systems, browsers, etc. In the browser’s list of cookies this type of cookies have names as _utma , _utmz , _ga , gs_u_GSN -xxx- J.

You do not want cookies?

The cookies used on CRNCY’s website have no functions other than those described above. But if you do not accept the use of cookies when visiting the website you can turn off CRNCY cookies in your browser's security settings. There you can also delete previously stored CRNCY cookies.